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Post-doc at the Max Planck Institute for demographic research (Department of Digital and Computational Demography).

Ph.D. in sociology (2020) from Northwestern University and the Centre de recherches sur les inégalités sociales (CRIS) Observatoire du changement social (OSC) at Sciences Po Paris.


Wenqing Qian, Ole Hexel, Emilio Zagheni, Ridhi Kashyap, Ingmar Weber. 2023. “Demographic Inequalities in digital spaces in China: The case of Weibo”. Workshop Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media.

We collected counts of Weibo users according to age, sex, and location from the Weibo advertisement API (where Weibo tells advertisers how many daily/monthly users it thinks it has). Then we compared it with the demographics of the corresponding administrative units. Weibo users tend to be more educated, more often women, and generally younger, than the surrounding population. Weibo usage is also much higher in more populated districts.

Lincoln Quillian, Devah Pager, Anthony Heath, Arnfinn H. Midtbøen, Fenella Fleischmann, Ole Hexel. 2019. “Do Some Countries Discriminate More than Others? Evidence from 97 Field Experiments of Racial Discrimination in Hiring,” Sociological Science, 6: 467-496.

Lincoln Quillian, Devah Pager, Ole Hexel, Arnfinn H. Midtbøen. 2017. “Meta-analysis of field experiments shows no change in racial discrimination in hiring over time.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, vol. 114, no. 41, 10870-10875.

We conducted a meta-analysis of field experiments of racial discrimination in hiring. We found that discrimination against African-Americans in the United States has not changed since 1990 (PNAS article). We also compared discrimination across nine countries (Sociological Science article). We found evidence for discrimination in all countries and against five different minority groups.

Aschauer, Lucia, Aurélie Cachera, Jawad Daheur, Hélène Floréa, Elisabeth Hamm, Sarah Haßdenteufel, Ole Hexel, Pauline Pujo, and Daniel Rakovsky, eds. 2019. “Special Issue: La Nature mise en Scène/Naturinszenierungen,” Trajectoires 12.

General public
Quillian, Lincoln, Devah Pager, Arnfinn Midtbøen, Ole Hexel. 2017. “Hiring Discrimination Against Black Americans Hasn’t Declined in 25 Years.” The Harvard Business Review October 11, 2017.

Summarizes and comments on results of our 2017 PNAS paper



  • Social Problems, Northwestern University (Spring 2019)
  • Sociological Analysis, Northwestern University (Winter 2019)

Teaching assistant

  • Population Dynamics, Northwestern University, Prof. Christine Percheski (Spring 2019)
  • Law and Society, Northwestern University, Prof. Joanna Grisinger (Fall 2018)
  • Introduction to Sociology (in French), Sciences Po Paris, Prof. Pierre François (Winter 2018, Winter 2013)
  • Urban Conflict and Social Change, Sciences Po Paris, Prof. Tommaso Vitale (Winter 2013)